What's the difference between proactive and reactive hiring?
Read below to find out more about these two hiring strategies.
Think fast- your best performing employee walks out on you on a Friday afternoon. Cold turkey. No explanation. You're the boss, the one in charge, the one who has to fix the situation before the weekend crowd piles in through your doors. Luckily for you, you're ahead of the game and practice proactive hiring so your team isn't left struggling to fill the empty gaps. The weekend comes and goes in a breeze. Now that it's Monday, it's time to start looking for more employees to fit in your back pocket.
Say you wouldn't have practiced proactive hiring... say you've never even heard of what that is to begin with? The weekend shift might have overworked your other employees, maybe even increasing chances of turnover in your business. As with every curveball that life throws our way, we need to expect the unexpected- it's no different in the workplace.
As a hiring manager, you need to understand that there are two types of hiring:
Proactive Hiring vs. Reactive Hiring
Reactive hiring is just like it sounds- it's hiring after the fact. Sometimes employers get caught up in the busy day-to-day tasks of handling a business, so, they don't have any time to hire extra hands to cover shifts when someone decides to leave. Then, they're faced with the stress and pressure of finding someone quickly which can ultimately lead to them finding an employee who may not be the best fit for the job, just so they can fill the gaps in their staff.
Although reactive hiring may get a bad rep, it's inevitable at any point. Life happens. When it rains, it pours. While reactive hiring can help you in the short term or when you're in a bind, it shouldn't be a practice you implement for the longevity of your business. It can be very expensive, time consuming, and can add even more stress to your plate. You should think about changing your approach to be more proactive.
Instead of meeting your hiring challenges as they happen, proactive hiring reduces the chances of those challenges from ever arising. With proactive hiring, you are anticipating walkouts, sick employees, or understaffing issues. This HR strategy is the best long term approach to finding and keeping employees.
So, what can you do to practice proactive hiring for your business? Below are a few examples:
Keep a stack of resumes from previous interview candidates handy to quickly contact
Staff heavy- Find a handful of part-time employees or those who require flexible schedules to make sure you never have a shortage on your team
Encourage and listen to your workers to maintain a positive work environment so as not to increase turnover
By using Juvo Jobs, employers can practice proactive hiring by sorting through their list of job seekers daily, online or on the app. When you're ready to connect, simply tap a seeker's profile and chat with them.
In reality, turnover amongst hourly jobs is almost inescapable, and most hourly workplaces are always hiring as a result. To beat your competition, using a solution like Juvo, that promotes proactive recruiting strategies, will be the least expensive option and will ensure you're ahead of the game. What you do in the present will impact your business in the future so it's important to start making the right hiring decisions, today.
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